#pendants | #1960 | #optilites #tbtPrimelite: Looking back through past catalogs, we’ve found a page featuring these swing arm and pendant lighting fixtures from the 1960s “Optilites” collection. Representative of the […] #tbtPrimelite Repost: Brighten An Otherwise Dreary Day With Optilites
#tbt | #juvenileGems | #kiddies #tbtPrimelite: Another blast from Primelite’s past! We’re again highlighting lights from our series of 1970s childrens fixtures. The catalogs introduced a series of girl & […] Repost: #tbtPrimelite’s Portfolio of Amazing Gems for the Kiddies
#tbtPrimelite | #1960 | #pullDownPendant #tbtPrimelite: While combing through the Primelite archives, we came across a series of original black and white photographs from our 1960 catalogs. Among […] #tbtPrimelite Repost: Pulley-ing the Strings of Our 1960s Heart
#tbtPrimelite: For 50+ years, globe lights have been an important part of Primelite’s success. These decorative exterior globes from the late 1980’s were an early example of blow-molded globes, […] #tbtPrimelite’s Globes are Now and Then
#tbtPrimelite | #victoriangaslamps | #1970 This week we’re #tbt-ing a page from one of our 1970s Primelite catalogs, featuring our Victorian “Gaslamp by Primelite” series. Reflecting the last century’s growing […] Repost: Relight Your Fire with Stylish 1970s Gaslamps
#tbtPrimelite | #1980 | #cool #tbtPrimelite: This week’s #tbt is a shout-out to the coolness that was the 1980’s. With a palette of grays, turquoise, and dusty pinks, chrome […] Repost: #tbtPrimelite #1980s #chrome-tastic
#1970s | #spanish | #mediterranean | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: A new year, a new #tbt! Lets flashback 40+ years to our catalogs featuring these Mediterranean style beauties. These fabulous pendants […] #tbtPrimelite Mediterranean Beauties of the 1970s
#1970S | #spanish | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: Picture, if you may, going back to the fabulous 1970s, where we’d find these fabulous Mediterranean inspired lighting fixtures. Our collection featured a definite […] #tbtPrimelite Painting A Beautiful Picture of our Colorful Past
#1970S | #spanishD’light | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: Let’s take a trip, if we may, back again to the fabulous 1970s, where we’ll, again, find these fabulous Mediterranean style pendants. Our “Spanish […] Celebrating The Swinging Seventies With These Swinging Pendants
#1970S | #spanishD’light | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: Let’s take a trip, if we may, back to the fabulous 1970s, where we’d find these fabulous Mediterranean style pendants. Our “Spanish D’Light” collection […] #tbtPrimelite. Some of the Most Beautiful Lighting of the Seventies
#1960 | #victorian | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: Let’s take a trip, if we may, back to the fabulous 1960s, where we’d find these fabulous Victorian style pendants. Reminiscent of fabulous Victorian gas […] #tbtPrimelite Greetings From the Fabulous 1960s!
#pendants | #1970 | #pendants #tbtPrimelite: This week we’re looking back at the bright and colorful pendants from one of Primelite’s 1970s catalogs. Scan of original catalog page. Shortlink: […] #tbtPrimelite 1970s Pendants As Bright And Colorful As The Decade