#tbtPrimelite 1960’s Vanity Lights

#tbtPrimelite 1960's vanity lights

#tbt / #then&now / #1960s

This weeks #tbt features a page from a 1960s Primelite catalog showing one of our vanity light collections. Very popular back in the day, our fixtures featured a “Satin Flemish Finish” with “Antique Gold Vein Mirror Backs!” 

#then&now offers a look at one of our 1960s Antique Gold Vein Mirrored Back vanity fixtures compared to some of today’s classic vanity lights, the #4218 series & the #4018 series. BTW our vanity lights #4036 & #4044, in chrome, were featured on the TV show, Long Island Medium

Primelite #then&now 1960's vanity light vs 2015 lights

Primelite #then&now : vanity lights 1960’s vs 2015

#tbtPrimelite - catalog page featuring 1960's vanity lights

#tbtPrimelite – catalog page featuring 1960’s vanity lights

Primelite Vanity lights featured on Long Island Medium

Primelite Vanity lights, #4036 & #4044, featured on TV show Long Island Medium