🎶 It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like….

It's Beginning to Look a lot like...



… We Gotta Do Something For The Holidays!



The calendar might be telling us it’s early, but here in the real world the holiday season is already upon us. It’s here. It’s there! It’s everywhere, and we can’t seem to escape it!



But, have no fear! Primelite Mfg is using this time to re-introduce our joyous Holiday Striped Posts, with retro inspired C7 lens. And with a lead-time of 2 weeks, now would be the perfect time to begin your holiday light planning.



Wrapped in candy cane stripes and topped with old-skool nostalgia, our Holiday Striped Posts will bring a nostalgic seasonal spirit to your local town and village celebrations. Incorporating our posts in local celebrations will help create long lasting memories and seasonal goodwill. With the included deck mount base, you can easily remove the posts to storage once the holidays are over. But, of course, you can leave the lights up and enjoy their festive illumination throughout the winter and snowy months ahead.



Holiday Striped Poles

Each Holiday Post features our modern interpretation of the ever-so-kool-old-skool C7 bulb!



Sometimes called “candlelight” globes, our new C7 lens are far from the fragile bulbs of yore. No! These charmingly nostalgic, blow-molded acrylic globes are able to withstand the winter elements with Primelite strength, style and color. And they’re colorfast too! So there is no need for worry when winter storms arrive. In fact, falling, and fallen, snow will definitely bring back those old-timey, warm feelings and Norman Rockwell memories of holidays long ago.



C7 style acrylic globes for holiday poles

C7 Bulbs (Candlelight Lens) are available in orange, yellow, red, blue, white, green and violet. Round white globes are also available.


Our Holiday Striped Posts are available as ready made Kits. The Basic Kit, #6107/Striped-1808 (shown), includes Post #6107 – a 7′ candy cane striped post, #1808 – an acrylic C7 (Candlelight) lens, available in 7 colors; yellow, orange, red, blue, green, violet and white.


If the C7 lens style is not for you, a 10″ round acrylic globe, in white, is also available. When ordering please specify the color of stripes (shown – red/white | candy cane) and color of the lens.



Holiday Striped Poles



Our Holiday Striped Posts are handcrafted and assembled in our New York warehouse and offer years of stylish reliability. The posts are constructed of 3″ aluminum, and while 7′ is the standard post height, we can offer any post height up till 10′, upon request. 


And whether observing Christmas, Chanukah, Winter, or the entire Holiday Season, Primelite’s Holiday Striped Posts will be the high-lite of those festive celebrations!





⚙️Primelite Catalog: #6107/Striped-1808

          Post: #6107

          Globe (Lens): #1808

⚙️Type: Post Light | Holiday Striped

⚙️Purpose: Exterior Illumination


          Post: Ht 7′ | Dia 3″ 

          Lens: H 10 1/4” | Dia 5 1/2

⚙️Lamp: 60W | LED12 3K, 4K

⚙️Lens: Acrylic | Yellow | Orange | Red | Blue | Green | Violet | White

⚙️Construction: Aluminum | 0.05 Gauge

⚙️Installation: Exterior
⚙️Mount: Surface Mount | Direct Burial
⚙️Finishes: Shown – Striped | Candy Cane | Red & White | Additional Color Combinations Available | Color Chart


C7 Inspired Globe | Lens

⚙️Primelite Catalog: #1808

⚙️Type: C7 | Candlelight

⚙️Purpose: Exterior Illumination

⚙️Size: Ht 10 1/4” | Dia 5 1/2

⚙️Lamp: 60W | LED12 3K, 4K

⚙️Lens: Acrylic 

⚙️Construction: Acrylic | Blow Mold

⚙️Installation: Exterior
⚙️Finishes: Yellow | Orange | Red | Blue | Green | Violet | White




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